National Aids Conference: Fact Sheet

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Durban ICC 18-21 June 2013

Did you know?

The 18th to 21st June 2013 mark the hosting of the South African AIDS conference, at the Durban International Convention Centre hosted by the National Department of Health.

Important Facts

  • Government is close to the 2015 deadline for Millennium Development Goals (MDG) with less than 950 days the targets that were set in 2009
  • The National Health Council adopted a new contraception and fertility strategy and guidelines to focus on dual protection. The Department of Health will be launching this strategy soon.

Some enlightening research on HIV/AIDS:

  • Publication  on  causes  for  mortality  by  Statistics  SA  states  that  the  number  of  deaths reported has decreased from 613 108 in 2006 (which was at its peak) to 543 856 deaths in 2010. Most researchers and well as STATSSA have attributed this decline to the HIV programme- both on the distribution and use of condoms as well as the ARV programme. This decline has resulted in the increase in life expectancy
  • A recently published paper looked at the impact of moving the HIV/AIDS treatment eligibility threshold from CD4 of 200 and less to CD4 of 350 and less. These researchers found a 56% decline in early mortality in 2011/12 compared to 2008/9.
  • Recent modelling on HIV and AIDS, using the best possible data led by UNAIDS found that South Africa was making a great difference in the fight against AIDS
  • Currently 2.1 million people are on Antiretroviral, 80% of eligible HIV positive women are on treatment and that 65% of men and children are on treatment.

What exactly is priority for the Department of Health with regards to


o To establish best mechanisms on putting children on HIV/AIDS treatment

o To  accelerate progress towards meeting the current  set targets in order to meet MDG targets

o To continue with the current health- related MDGs

o To flag the need for equity, fairness and affordability with respect to health services

o Put more focus on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which are on the rise in developing and developed countries.

o Achieve an infant mortality rate of less than 20 deaths per thousand live births, including an under-5 mortality rate less than 30 per thousand

Did you also know?

South Africa will be hosting an international conference on maternal and child health between 1-3

August. This conference will review progress in reducing maternal and child health and seek examples of good practices and progress and also examine the continuing bottlenecks to improvements.