Pretoria - Resident of Galeshewe, near Kimberly, can finally access judicial services on their doorstep after a R58 million court was built in the area.
The Galeshewe Magistrates Court was officially opened by Justice Minister Jeff Radebe on Tuesday.
Radebe said the building of the court was part of government's efforts to reverse the apartheid legacy which saw services deliberately skewed in terms of racial profiling.
"In building this court closer to the people, our single aim was to ensure that we bring all the services that this court is meant to offer closer to the people. In doing so, we have fulfilled our guiding policy principle, which is to ensure access to justice to all our people, irrespective of race, gender, social status or geographical location" he said.
The court would also help address the problem of case backlogs. The additional courtrooms would result in more cases being speedily and efficiently dealt with and finalised, Radebe added.
The department invested R58 million in the construction of the court, which consist of eight courtrooms - one for sexual offences, three district criminal courts and four family courtrooms.
The court was built in 2009 and began its operation in 2010. Since opening, it has dealt with 647 maintenance cases and 1949 domestic violence cases. On average, 1 800 beneficiaries receive maintenance at this court every month.
Through the court, the more than 100 000 residents of Galeshewe are being offered services such as applications for divorce, protection orders, maintenance, estates and payment of traffic fines.
In addition, the court deals with regional criminal matters, as well as Equality and Small Claims cases.