Pretoria - Acting Head of the Directorate of Priority Crimes Investigation (HAWKS), Major General Mthandazo Ntlemeza, has appointed a new acting head for Gauteng.
Major General Nhlamvu Elias Dlamini was appointed on Wednesday and will resume his duties today.
He was a Cluster Commander at Pienaarsrivier in Mpumalanga.
He boasts 30 years of uninterrupted service in the SAPS and has worked in different fields, which include being a station commander, the Provincial Head of Crime Prevention in Mpumalanga, as well as being an Area Commissioner in the Lowveld.
Ntlemeza has described Dlamini as a police officer of the highest integrity and ability who acted with distinction in all the positions he held previously.
“Major General Dlamini is a seasoned officer who has held various command positions in the SAPS. I am confident that he will bring fresh perspectives to the fight again organised crime all forms of corruption and fraud in Gauteng.”
He said Dlamini will need the support of every member of the organisation, as well as the support of the people of this country.
“If we are to improve the crime and security environment and create a safer place for us to live, work, raise families and do business in, I am confident he has what it takes to stop the tide of crime in Gauteng and the country and wish him the best of luck in his new post,” Ntlemeza said. -