Pretoria - The North West provincial legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Local Government and Human Settlement has welcomed improvements made by the leadership and senior management of Moretele Local Municipality on addressing the 2013/14 audit findings.
This came after the committee held meetings with Moretele, Moses Kotane and Rustenburg Local Municipalities and the Bojanala District Municipality over annual reports. Meetings were also held to discuss audit action plans and a report on matters pertaining to governance; bulk infrastructure; service delivery; corruption and successes and challenges.
In the 2013/14 financial year, Moretele local municipalities received a qualified audit opinion with findings on predetermined objectives and compliance.
According to the Auditor General, the municipality is addressing all audit recommendations in the prior year.
Committee Chairperson Motlalepula Rosho said the improvements in the municipality shows that there is a good relationship between the political leadership and senior management on ensuring proper service delivery.
“We are impressed with the level of accountability in the municipality and that there is risk management and internal controls to improve financial reporting. The municipality should spend more time on training and development for senior managers to ensure correct performance information and proper targets on the Integrated Development Programme,” said Rosho in a statement on Monday.
Moretele Local Municipality Mayor Sello Lehari said the municipality’s improvement was due to team spirit of senior management and political leadership, and an active Municipal Public Accounts and Audit Committees who work together to investigate irregular, fruitless, wasteful and unauthorised expenditure.
“The municipality is also monitoring and evaluating service delivery through monthly ward-based forums with all relevant stakeholders which includes Integrated Development Programme and Performance Management Systems forums and community development workers,” said Mayor Lehari.
Moses Kotane local and Bojanala district municipalities received an unqualified audit opinions whilst Rustenburg local municipality received a qualified audit opinion on matters of unauthorised, irregular expenditure and material losses.
The audit report stated that Rustenburg local municipality did not comply with supply chain management regulations due to lack of commitment and appropriate oversight exercised by management and reluctance to discipline staff who committed irregular and unauthorised expenditure.
The information and technology (IT) systems were not functioning properly to ensure reliability and accuracy of information; and there was under-spending of capital budget and conditional grants received.
Rosho said the Committee is worried about the serious crisis in leadership in the municipality as the audit report indicated that there is no consequence management for officials who contravene supply chain management policies and lack of compliance on laws and regulations.
“Audit outcomes can be improved if supply chain management policies are adhered to and information and technology and billing systems are strengthened. Bojanala District Municipality should relook at its support to local municipalities on financial management and service delivery,” said Rosho. -