Nzimande appoints transformation committee

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pretoria - Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande has appointed University of KwaZulu-Natal Vice Chancellor Professor Malegapuru Makgoba to head the Ministerial Oversight Committee on Transformation.

Nzimande said in a statement the rest of the members of the committee, and its full terms of reference, will be announced in a government gazette to be issued in January 2013. 

In his budget vote speech in April this year, Nzimande announced that he would soon be establishing the Ministerial Oversight Committee on Transformation, whose mandate would be to monitor issues of transformation, discrimination based on race, gender and other prejudices, and advise the Minister on policy and other appropriate interventions. 

This was a recommendation of the Ministerial Committee on Transformation and Social Cohesion and Elimination of Discrimination in Public Higher Education, headed by Professor Crain Soudien. -