Pretoria - Two officials working at the Maponya Mall Driver Licensing Testing Centre in Soweto were arrested on Friday morning for alleged irregular processing of professional driver permits.
The two were arrested during an unannounced visit by Gauteng Roads and Transport MEC Ismail Vadi.
Charges of fraud, theft and corruption against a cashier and an examiner have been laid at the local Kliptown Police Station.
The arrests are linked to an internal investigation conducted by the department’s Ethics, Anti-Fraud and Corruption Unit, which was informed that the suspects had allegedly issued three fraudulent professional driving permits and were not following legal procedures relating to the issuing of permits.
These permits are required by public transport operators and drivers who transport passengers for a fee such as taxis.
In a statement released by the department on Friday, some clients of the department alleged that officials at the centre were offering a new service called a “same-time-issue” of a professional driving permit for a cash fee of R1 500.
The arrests come in the wake of the anti-fraud and corruption campaign launched earlier this week by the department in Diepkloof, Soweto.
MEC Vadi said the Gauteng provincial government has taken a clear decision to act against fraud and corruption in the public service.
“We have received many complaints of officials asking for bribes, particularly at the driver testing centres, and we must put a stop to it.
“We will not hesitate to act against public servants who betray the trust of our people,” he said. -