Union Buildings, Pretoria
The Minister in The Presidency responsible for the National Planning, Mr Trevor Manuel,
The Deputy Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa
Commissioners of the National Planning Commission,
Senior officials,
Members of the Media
It is an honour to address this inaugural meeting of the National Planning Commission.
This is indeed an historic occasion. It is with much anticipation that the country has awaited the establishment of this Commission.
For the first time in our country's history we will begin to chart our way forward in a purposeful manner with a view to the country's long-term interests.
I would like to extend a very special welcome to our newly-appointed Commissioners. It is a pleasure to meet all of you in person.
Your acceptance of this position is reflective of a strong commitment by our citizens to serve their country and contribute towards making South Africa a better place.
You represent the wealth of our country's knowledge in a diversity of fields that are indicative of our nation's strengths.
Your expertise in the areas of finance, industry, telecommunications, biotechnology, water engineering, rural development, governance, energy, education, health, food security, and climate change among others, will go a long way to delivering the kind of South Africa we envisage.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The mandate of the Commission is to take a broad, cross cutting, independent and critical view of South Africa, to help define the South Africa we seek to achieve in 20 years time and to map out a path to achieve those objectives.
The Commission is expected to put forward solid research, sound evidence and clear recommendations for government.
The Commission will also work with broader society to draw on the best expertise, consult the relevant stakeholders and help to shape a consensus on what to do about the key challenges facing us.
The National Planning Commission will revitalise the work of government. By drawing on the best available expertise the Commission will be able to identify and confront challenges head-on.
Government has often taken a sectoral and short-term view that has hampered development. Taking a long-term and independent view will add impetus, focus and coherence to our work.
This will no doubt lead to an improved performance in government. By involving wider society in its work it will rally the nation around a common vision.
Vision 2025 will muster the views of all South Africans so that we can all participate in the realisation of the South Africa we want to live in.
When we came to office last year, we stated that this is a government that would do things differently.
The establishment of the National Planning Commission is our promise to the people of South Africa that we are building a state that will grow the economy, reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of our citizens.
In that regard let me state that the NPC has the full support of the Executive. The Chair of the Commission will liaise with Cabinet and ensure that its work wins the wider support of government.
You can be assured that the Presidency and the Cabinet are fully behind the work of the Commission. Your efforts will bear fruit.
I wish you all the best in your work.
I thank you.