Parents urged to prepare learners for ANA

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pretoria - Cabinet has encouraged parents and guardians to support their children in preparation for the upcoming Annual National Assessments (ANA).

The literacy and numeracy ANA takes place between 10 and 13 September and will assess learner literacy and numeracy abilities at foundation, intermediate and senior phase.

The tests were introduced by the Department of Basic Education to measure the country's improvement in learning in specific grades and subjects.

The ANA will not be used for learner progression or promotion to the next grade but verifies that every learner in every school is developing the languages and mathematics skills appropriate for the grades.

This will allow educators to identify areas where they need to intervene.

"Parents and guardians must ensure that they engage with the 2013 ANA results as this serves as an important diagnostic tool of learners' strengths and weaknesses," acting Cabinet spokesperson Phumla Williams said on Thursday.

Last year's results painted a dismal picture, which showed that the national average performance in literacy for Grade 1 was 58% (59% in 2011); Grade 2 - 55% (52% in 2011) and Grade 3 - 53% (35% in 2011).

Williams encouraged parents to use the tools provided by the Department of Basic Education which can be accessed on

The department has provided schools with the 2013 ANA timetable; 2012 ANA report; 2013 diagnostic analysis report; 2013 Assessment Guidelines for teachers to be able to plan for the administration of ANA and 2013 Exemplars for teachers to prepare learners for the administration of ANA. -