Police Minister, General Bheki Cele, has appointed Patrick Setshedi as the Acting Executive Director of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).
In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Police Ministry said Setshedi, who assumed the position on 01 March 2020, would fill the post pending the permanent appointment of the Head of the IPID.
An accountant by profession, Setshedi is currently a senior manager in the IPID and was until recently the acting Chief Financial Officer.
“Following legislative prescripts, the previous Acting Executive Director, Mr Victor Ofentse Senna's term expired at the end of 12 months on 29 February 2020,” said the Ministry.
The process to recruit and appoint a new Executive Director led to the request by the Ministry of Police, to extend the deadline and the Portfolio Committee on Police acceded to a two-month extension.
Minister Cele has extended a word of appreciation to Senna for leading the IPID for the past 12 months, and also wished the new Acting Executive Director, Setshedi, well for the next two months.
"We need to work as a team and continuously ensure that the working environment is conducive towards enabling the IPID to fulfill its legislative mandate in the best interests of the communities we serve," said Cele he presented the Acting Executive Director to the IPID management team. – SAnews.gov.za