Police Minister Bheki Cele is set to brief Parliament on Wednesday on the appointment of the current Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) as the acting Executive Director of IPID for the next three months.
Cele appointed Victor Ofenste Senna as the acting head of IPID on Friday.
Senna replaces outgoing IPID head, Robert McBride, whose five-year contract was not renewed.
Following Senna’s appointment, Police Portfolio Committee chairperson Francois Beukman said he wrote to the Police Minister on Friday to appear before the committee to brief it on the appointment of the Acting Head of IPID.
Beukman also requested that Cele provide the CV and career history of the Acting Head to the committee.
“IPID is an important oversight institution to root out criminality and corruption in the SAPS and metropolitan police services.
“It is important to the committee that the Acting Executive Director of IPID should focus on the strengthening of the effective corporate governance and accountability frameworks, sound financial management and professional investigative practice as short-term priorities,” Beukman emphasised.
Beukman said the committee will also invite the top management of IPID and the Provincial Heads to the meeting.
The committee will also request a short briefing from the Acting Executive Director on his immediate plans and priorities for the department.
Leading up to the appointment of a permanent Executive Director, Beukman said it was important that the committee receives assurance that the Executive Authority will deliver services at the department. – SAnews.gov.za