Presidency clarifies comments on Con Court

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pretoria - The Presidency has moved to clarify the comments made by President Jacob Zuma in the media, regarding the review of the Constitutional Court.

It said the President's comments must be viewed in the context of the decision of Cabinet of November 2011, in terms of which the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development has been directed to conduct an assessment of the impact of the judgments of the Constitutional Court on the transformation of society in the 17 years of democracy.

"The exercise is with a view to assess the transformative nature of jurisprudence from the highest court in the land in promoting an equal, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous society envisioned by the Constitution within the context of a developmental state.

"This exercise is not unusual, but occurs all the time," it said.

The Presidency added that the anticipated outcome of this exercise would not only assist in developing value-based solutions to address the legacy of the past but would contribute in shaping our evolving constitutional jurisprudence.

"This is a positive move that ought to be welcomed by all who look up to the Constitutional Court, as the champion of our jurisprudence reform. The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development will give further details once the planning processes for this exercise have been completed," it said.

It added that the exercise falls within the mandate of the Executive of formulating and reviewing policies of government which seek to advance the transformative character of our Constitution.

This comes as media reports quoted Zuma as saying there was a need to review the Constitutional Court's powers.

"Often scholars and writers give their own perspectives on decisions of the courts and court decisions are not immune from public scrutiny provided of course that this is done within permissible limits.

"This must therefore not be viewed as an attempt by government to undermine the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law which are entrenched in our Constitution," said the Presidency.