Pretoria- President Jacob Zuma has wished all members of the Muslim community in South Africa Eid Mubaraak as they come to the end of the holy month of Ramadaan.
"It is well known that fasting teaches discipline, patience and dedication. At the same time, it also enables one to feel and understand the plight of the poverty stricken,” said President Zuma.
He added that the period of fasting is regarded as a time of deep introspection, a strengthening of the bonds of the family and community as well as encouraging generosity, all of which is brought on by heightened spirituality in order to transform the individual into a better human being.
"On behalf of the government and people of South Africa, I am therefore pleased to celebrate the end of Ramadaan by wishing the Muslim community in South Africa and around the world a happy Eid ul-Fitr,” he said.