Pretoria US embassy remains open

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pretoria - The United States Embassy and Consulates, and the USAID Mission in South Africa will continue to function for a limited period of time using residual funds, embassy officials said on Thursday. 

“Each agency of the US government will have different funding issues. The US Mission will ensure critical operations continue,” the US Embassy said in statement.

This is despite a shutdown of US government, which entered its fourth day today.

However, the statement said the embassy and consulates will not conduct business as usual.  

“We will not hire any new personnel and we are severely constraining spending.  These include avoiding new obligations; sharply curtailing travel and conferences; and avoid making all but the most essential purchases.” 

The Department of State and USAID would monitor operating status and available funding closely and continuously. 

“If residual funds become insufficient to maintain operations, we will continue activities involving the protection of national security and health and life-safety, particularly of US citizens abroad.”    

Fee-funded activities, including visa and passport issuance, and US citizen services abroad, would also continue since fees are collected to finance these services. –