Public Works and Infrastructure Minister, Patricia de Lille, has gazetted the National Infrastructure Plan 2050 Phase 2 (NIP 2050 Phase 2) for public comment.
“The NIP 2050 Phase 2 offers a strategic vision and plan to deliver high-priority distributed infrastructure networks by 2050. It focuses on distributed infrastructure that links more closely to businesses and communities. Building on the bulk infrastructure sectors prioritised in NIP 2050 Phase 1, this iteration also offers a strategic vision and plan that links NDP objectives to practical steps and intermediate outcomes,” said the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) and the Infrastructure South Africa (ISA).
The public will have 49 days to comment on the plan until 9 December 2022, ISA and the DPWI said on Monday,
The NIP 2050 Phase 2 outlines a lasting vision for human settlements, municipal services (such as electricity, water and sanitation, and solid waste), passenger transport, road networks, social infrastructures (education and health infrastructure) and digital capabilities in infrastructure.
It also addresses cross-cutting issues crucial for effective and efficient infrastructure delivery.
The NIP 2050 Phase 2 focuses mainly on ‘distributed infrastructure’. It is organised into two main sections. The first section offers insight into six infrastructure areas namely, human settlements, municipal electricity, water and sanitation, solid waste, passenger transport, road infrastructure, education infrastructure, and health infrastructure.
The second section focuses on three cross-cutting elements namely, digital infrastructure, crime and corruption, and governance of distributed infrastructure delivery.
To ensure inclusivity and accuracy, extensive consultations were held with government departments and agencies as well as industry partners from across the private sector when drafting the NIP 2050 Phase 2.
Input from stakeholders is represented in the draft document.
The NIP 2050 Phase 2 Gazette can be found on: http://www.gpwonline.co.za/Documents/Government/47343%2021-10%20PublicWorksInfrastructure.pdf. Comments can be emailed to NIP2050Phase2@dpw.gov.za. – SAnews.gov.za