Pretoria – The Department of Public Works and two labour unions have signed an agreement committing themselves to working towards the effective and efficient delivery of services and the department's turnaround strategy.
The ground-breaking National Framework Agreement was signed on Friday between the department and the Public Servants Association (PSA) and the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu).
The framework agreement, according to the department, addresses issues related to the re-building of the department, including the turnaround strategy and the migration of employees from the old to the new structure.
According to the department, the agreement comes as the department is grappling with rebuilding and transforming itself following three consecutive disclaimer reports from the Auditor General.
Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi said the department would not tolerate corruption and fraud and appealed to the unions to help expose those involved in such practises.
“The issues of fraud and corruption are non-negotiable. If you carry on with fraud and corruption, we will expose you. The unions must help us to expose such people,” said Minister Nxesi.
He assured the signatories that there would be no job losses or privatisation of the department during the turnaround strategy. “But we want to re-train those who lack appropriate skills so that we professionalise the department.”
PSA Deputy General Manager, Manie De Clerq, welcomed the joint signing of the agreement and said the union supported the strong stance against corruption and fraud because the country could not afford these afflictions.
“We hope the implementation of the turnaround strategy will create a better public service and country for all.”
Nehawu National Treasurer, Pulani Mogotsi, said the union also supported the agreement and expressed the hope that it would lead to a more caring department and skills transference for employees. –