Residents violating water licences face prosecution

Monday, March 5, 2012

Vaal Dam - Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has warned farmers who are illegally drawing water from the Vaal Dam to irrigate their crops, that they will face the full might of the law.

"Over abstraction and continuous illegal water use could have significant economic implications on the country as a whole and it is therefore crucial that we act against transgressors," said the minister, speaking at the launch of National Water Week at the Vaal Dam on Monday.

Molewa kicked off Water Week by visiting farmers in the area who were suspected of abstracting water illegally. Farmers were issued with directives from the department to stop the illegal activity.

The Vaal Dam is a national resource that meets the water resource needs of 60 percent of the national economy and serves 45 percent or 20 million of the people in the country.

Molewa said it was estimated that 229 million cubic meters of water per annum was being unlawfully used by irrigation farmers.

"That is why we felt it is important for us to improve our enforcement, we will not only visit the farmers but the municipalities will also be visited and where there's non-compliance, they will be asked to account," said the minister.

She added that the economic contribution of the Vaal System to the country would not be complete if it did not address the problem of access for impoverished communities and emerging farmers.

Molewa said that few historically disadvantaged individuals had benefited from the validation and verification process and only a few general authorisations were issued for these farmers along the Vaal System.

"Through this process, we have ensured that we return the actual volumes of water to the rightful owners, in future and on a much bigger scale, we intend to implement compulsory licensing as stated in Water Act, " Molewa said.

Fezile Dabi District Municipality Mayor, Moeketsi Moshodi, said they were in a process of building a laboratory which will assist the local municipality in testing water regularly and ensure that the water quality is improved.

The Water Week is celebrated under the theme 'Water is life: Respect it, Conserve it, and enjoy it.'