With the second day of vote counting in the 2024 National and Provincial Elections still underway, the African National Congress (ANC) is currently taking the lead and continues to secure most of the votes in most provinces, except in KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.
As at 11:45am on Friday, the leaderboard at the National Results Operation Centre (ROC) in Midrand, showed that the ANC was leading the votes in the Eastern Cape with 739 564, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) at 138 958, and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) at 109 630.
A total of 67.65% vote capturing and processing had been completed in the Eastern Cape, including 3 293 of 4 868 voting districts completed.
The ANC was also taking a lead in the Free State with 336 267 votes, followed by the DA with 135 814, and EFF at 84 928. A total of 82.79% vote capturing had been completed in that province, including 1 313 of 1 586 voting districts completed.
In Gauteng, the ANC was leading with 663 401, DA 580 761, EFF 253 632, while the new kids on the block, Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party had secured 186 219 votes.
In Limpopo, the ANC had secured 530 882, EFF 91 411, and the DA 45 028. Limpopo had captured 47.57% votes including 1 530 of the 3 216 voting districts completed.
In the North West, a total of 58.295 votes had been captured, including 1 013 of the 1 738 voting districts completed, which showed the ANC leading with 279 283, followed by EFF 80 090, and DA 56 638.
A total of 63.22% votes had been captured in Mpumalanga with 1 145 of the 1 811 voting districts completed. The ANC in Mpumalanga had 344 794 votes followed by MK with 125 646 votes, DA 97 156, and EFF 93 452.
Counting in Northern Cape is almost complete with 99.86% votes captured, including 729 of 730 voting districts completed. The ANC in Northern Cape led with 194 373 votes, while DA had 83 809, and 51 813for the EFF.
In KwaZulu-Natal, which is among the most contested provinces, the MK is taking the lead with 625 363 votes, followed by ANC with 259 867, and Inkatha Freedom party (IFP) with 248 567, and DA with 200 493 votes.
Results continue to be captured and the leaderboard updated.
The IEC is expected to give the progress report on the elections at 4pm.
At a media briefing on Thursday, the Electoral Commission (IEC) announced that vote counting in the National and Provincial Elections 2024 has now been completed, and the process to capture and validate results was underway.
“The process of results compilation entails ensuring accuracy and validation of the results.
This process involves scanning each result slip to create an image of the result, double blind capture of each result slip, and auditing of each result slip by independent auditors. The result system was audited externally and parties had occasion to also audit,” the Commission’s Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo said at the briefing. – SAnews.gov.za