Pretoria - In an effort to retain skills within the health system, the Gauteng Health Department has launched the retired nurses forum, which will be responsible for guiding and mentoring young nurses.
The forum, which was launched recently by Gauteng Health and Social Development MEC Qedani Mahlangu, began returning retired nurses to the department in early 2008, where they assisted in maternity wards and clinics.
Department spokesperson Mandla Sidu told BuaNews that approximately 480 retired nurses were working in the province's primary health care clinics and hospitals.
"Most clinics and hospitals have retired nurses working in labour wards, primary health care services, port health at the airports, complaints line, hospital wards and intensive care depending on their area of expertise or where needed most," Sidu said.
The retired nurses also assist nursing management in mentoring both ward sisters and nursing students in the spirit of Kuyasheshwa-la and 'getting back to basics' in health, where nurses were pillars of society, known for their caring nature and dedication towards their profession.
Operation Kuyasheshwa-la was launched by the department to deal with the challenges faced at health facilities in order to deliver the best accessible health care to residents.