Pretoria – The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) says it has accepted the current facilitator’s proposal regarding salary increases for more than 250 000 municipal employees.
SALGA on Saturday said it took the decision on behalf of all municipalities in the country, after extensive consultation in the local government sector.
The facilitator’s proposal, subject to all parties accepting it, proposes that for the 2015/2016 financial year a 7% increase should be effective from 1 July 2015. Thereafter, salaries should increase by CPI plus 1% in year two and year three.
It also proposes the minimum wage should increase to R6014.93 per month; a special purpose medical aid benefit instrument should be created that targets low income earners; home owner allowance should increase to R700 per month and employees earning below R8000 per month and who do not participate in the current or any other home owners allowance scheme, should be paid a non-pensionable R350 per month.
“SALGA remains committed to conclude during the current round of negotiations a service charter for the sector, so that parties express their commitment to improving service delivery to the benefit of all citizens of South Africa, to improve good governance and fight corruption.
“We are calling on parties to the South African Local Government Bargaining Council to do all in their power to reach an amicable settlement in the sector at the negotiating table,” said SALGA.
It said it was committed to giving employees increases that are fair and affordable. -