Pretoria - Underperforming government officials have been given a stern warning to get their act together.
Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi today said government would not stand for unsatisfactory performance from officials.
"This administration will not tolerate officials who do not want to do their work and yet get paid every month," the minister said.
Speaking at the Public Protector Commonwealth Good Governance conference in Pretoria, Baloyi said government would not become a refuge for lazy people.
"Those who are entrusted with the responsibility and privilege of public service should exercise that with seriousness and humility... They should always remember that they are there to serve the people. If they fail, they should be held to account," he said.
Ministers and other stakeholders are in the process of signing delivery agreements, which will hold them to various commitments to bring services to the people. The agreements are detailed and provide descriptions of key activities - who needs to do what, by when and the resources needed to deliver on a particular service delivery outcome.
Baloyi said the signing of agreements was part of government's plan to do things differently.
"The steps we have taken mark the beginning of a journey towards good governance and improved government performance... For the first time, people will be judged against clear indicators whether they have done their jobs or not," he said.