Spotlight on waste services backlogs

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pretoria - Addressing waste services backlogs and investigating other waste management options other than disposal services will be among the items on the agenda for this year's Waste Management Officers' Khoro.

The second Khoro, to be held in Polokwane on Wednesday, is expected to be attended by about 400 delegates and Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Rejoice Mabudafhasi will give a keynote address.

Held under the theme "Accelerating service delivery and creating jobs in waste," the Waste Management Officers Khoro is an annual conference for all government institutions responsible for waste management. It aims to deal with mainly municipal waste and to give direction on the management of other streams of waste generated by industry.

It is also a mechanism for the coordination of efforts across the country and provides a platform for information exchange and presentation of best practice projects and programmes.

Another focus for this year's Khoro is to address the financing of waste management as well as compliance with the requirements of the Waste Act, inter alia, the licensing of waste management activities with particular focus on municipal-owned waste disposal sites.

The conference will be preceded by a project site visit at Thulamela Municipality on Tuesday, where delegates will be looking at projects aimed at enhancing effective and efficient waste management practices in the host province.