Strides have been made in improving people’s lives - Peters

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Warrenton – Strides have been made to improve people’s lives, says Energy Minister Dipuo Peters.

Speaking in Warrenton, near Kimberly in the Northern Cape, after officiating the electrification of the 5.6 millionth house, Peters said government was committed to ensure that services were brought to the people.

“Government took a decision to provide people with all the necessary basic amenities. [We] will not rest until all have services.”

She called on municipalities to speed up the pace of service delivery in their communities. In the same vein, she appealed to those who were not yet receiving services to be patient, as government was working hard to reach everyone.

“We are going to reach you,” she said.

Also present was the Northern Cape Premier Silvia Lucas, who said government was always prepared to listen to its people.

“As government, we are working tirelessly to reverse the inequalities of the past. Our goal is to engage, support and improve our people’s lives,” she said.

The electrification of the 5.6 millionth household is part of government’s programme of electrifying all households in the country.

According to Peters, the country is 85 percent electrified. A new household electrification strategy has been initiated to address the outstanding 15 percent through grid and non-grid means. –