Deputy Minister of Communications, Pinky Kekana, has challenged women of all colours and creed to use their democracy and freedom to collectively advance the struggle of women.
“When some amongst us, women in particular, refer to other human beings as monkeys or use other profanities to dehumanize humans, it should unsettle all of us, not just one racial group. When academics amongst us start to question the intelligence of women of a specific race, we women of all races, must ask ourselves in what way does this advance our democracy and the spirit of non-racialism,” Kekana said.
The Deputy Minister said women need to be there for other women like Cheryl Zondi, who are victims of sexual abuse even in the church. “We all need to be there because we know that patriarchy knows no race, women black and white, suffer from its destructive and possessive character,” she said.
Kekana was speaking at the launch of Bloss Africa Magazine at the Market Sheds in Pretoria on Saturday.
The new magazine is an international media platform for South African women living all over the world.
Kekana said she hoped that Bloss Magazine will encourage robust debates about democracy and be a platform for all South African women, like the Drum Magazine which held up an image of black consciousness and portrayed the Sophia Town generation in a dignified light through the likes of Dolly Rathebe, Can Themba, and Nat Nakasa.
Kekana said Bloss can be a catalyst for South African women from all walks of life.
Even though today South Africa celebrates democracy and freedom there was still a need for a voice that speaks for all of us.
“The media can do that, the media should do that, and it is the only way for our democracy to blossom. This should be a platform for women old and young to share their perspectives on society.
“With platforms like these we should no longer see women being written out of history like Phila Ndwandwe and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. Instead her story should rise, her story should be the narrative,” Kekana said. –