Wheels of justice to turn faster.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pretoria - Justice and Constitutional Development Minister, Jeff Radebe, will on Monday open a R35 million new wing of the Western Cape High Court to provide additional space for courtrooms and judges' chambers.

The department said in its commitment to unlock all blockages in the criminal justice system, the Justice Crime Prevention and Security Cluster was vigorously implementing the recommendations of the Criminal Justice System Review, to strengthen coordination and enhance efficiency in the management of cases.

"The department and its cluster partners have come together to modernise the processes in the criminal justice system. The drive to improve the efficiency of the court system and raise the levels of service delivery has led to the introduction of a number of new systems and major investment in technology," said the department.

It also added that as part the review, the department and relevant cluster departments are in the process of implementing the Audio Visual Remand Systems in 47 courts and 22 Correctional Centres throughout the country of which eight are in the Western Cape.