Workers knew contracts were ending - Home Affairs

Monday, December 5, 2011

Pretoria - The Department of Home Affairs says it gave contract workers sufficient notice that their contracts would end on 30 June.

The department did not renew the contracts of hundreds of contract workers after it filled more than 500 positions recently.

Home Affairs Director-General Mkuseli Apleni refuted claims that some contract workers only found out this week that their contracts would not be renewed.

Contract workers, who were employed by the department as an "interim measure" while it upgraded certain positions, were given letters as early as the end of March informing them when their contracts would expire.

The letters, which the workers were required to sign, also made it clear that the department was not obliged to renew their contracts or guarantee them employment at Home Affairs, said Apleni.

The department advertised 558 vacant positions for civic services nationwide in May and received an overwhelming response to the advertisement.

In total, 143 740 applications were received for the advertised jobs.

"However, of the 558 posts that were advertised, 104 permanent jobs have been awarded to those who served in a contract capacity within the department. These 104 candidates were successful because they met the department's criteria for employment. The remaining 454 posts were filled by external candidates," Apleni said.