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16 Days of Activism

16 Days of Activism

Count me in: together moving a non-violent South Africa forward.”



The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign. It takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The period includes Universal Children’s Day and World AIDS Day.

South Africa adopted the campaign in 1998 as one of the intervention strategies towards creating a society free of violence. The campaign continues to raise  awareness amongst South Africans about the negative impact of violence against women and children (VAW&C) on all members of the community.

At the launch of the 16 Days Campaign on 25 of November 2014, President Jacob Zuma said that activism against gender-based violence should be a year long campaign and not limited to 16 days. The Department of Women heeded the President’s call and launched the 365 Days for No Violence Against Women and Children” (#365Days campaign) and #CountMeIn.

President Jacob Zuma will launch the 2015 campaign  on 25 November 2015 in Naauwpoort, Mahikeng...more


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