Pretoria - The Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA) has applauded the appointment of Medi-Clinic executive Roly Buys to the Ministerial Advisory Committee on National Health Insurance (NHI).
"The private hospital industry is pleased with Buys' appointment and is confident that his participation in the Ministerial Advisory Committee will contribute positively to the NHI debate," said Chief Executive Officer of HASA, Advocate Kurt Worrall-Clare.
Buys, who has been appointed as a representative from the private hospital industry, joined Medi-Clinic in 1998, where he currently holds the portfolio of Funder Relations and Contracting Executive.
He is widely respected for his knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of the private hospital sector and more specifically, those relating to industry pricing models and tariff structures.
He also has extensive experience in the medical schemes environment.
Commenting on additional appointments to the committee, Worrall-Clare said that HASA was encouraged by the appointment of representatives from other departments such as Finance and Treasury, both of which were integral to the NHI model.
The association also welcomed the appointment of a number of international experts to the committee.
"The private hospital sector is committed to playing a constructive role within the Ministerial NHI Advisory Committee and looks forward to engaging with fellow industry stakeholders," said Worrall-Clare.
Last week, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi appointed 25 members to the committee that will advise him on the development of policy, legislation and the implementation of the proposed NHI.
The committee will advise the minister on aspects of the NHI policy to enrich the process on policy and legislation development and the implementation plan for the NHI system.
The broad objective of the NHI is to put in place the necessary funding and health service delivery mechanisms, which will enable the creation of an efficient, equitable and sustainable health system in South Africa based on the principles of the right to health, social solidarity and universal coverage.