Pretoria – Twenty-six people were on Thursday arrested in Bloemfontein by law enforcement agencies and the Home Affairs counter-corruption branch.
“Today’s arrests therefore demonstrate in concrete terms government’s zero-tolerance for crime as well as South Africa’s fight against corruption in both the private and public sector.
"We are driven by a sharp resolve to combat criminality in all its manifestations,” the Department of Home Affairs said.
Those that were arrested include 20 Home Affairs officials and six civilians. They are facing charges related to fraud and corruption.
Last year the department launched Operation Bvisa Masina to intensify the fight against fraud and corruption. Since the launch, 83 people have been arrested, of which, 42 were officials of the department while 41 were non-officials.
This means that officials make up 51% of all arrests while non-officials make up the other 49%.
“Their arrests were for false documentation, bribery, aiding and abetting, impersonation, revenue theft and fraudulent violations relating to births, marriages and deaths.
“The more prevalent was fake documentation, followed by aiding and abetting, with the least being revenue theft,” the department said.
Those arrested will appear before various Magistrate’s Courts in the country.
Internally, the implicated officials have been suspended and subjected to disciplinary action.
Last year, 37 officials were dismissed for fraud and corruption. –