Pretoria - Advocate Willem Heath has resigned as head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), Justice Minister Jeff Radebe said on Thursday.
"He tendered his resignation as the head of the SIU in writing on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 and I have brought same to the attention of the President. The President has accepted his resignation and it has become effective," he said in a statement.
This follows a process in which the President requested that Radebe meet with Advocate Heath following comments made by him in an interview and published in a weekend newspaper.
The intention of the meeting was to obtain all relevant information in order to advise the President of the implications of those comments for government if found to be true.
A follow up meeting was also held in order to have the matters further clarified following his submission of information he had undertaken to make available.
The Director-General, Nonkululeko Sindane, was present at both meetings.
"Following the discussion on the matter, parties were agreed that it was untenable for Advocate Heath to continue to hold office as the new head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) after he was recently appointed by the President," said Radebe, adding that he then tendered his resignation.
"We would like to thank Advocate Heath for showing maturity and appreciating that the manner in which events unfolded following his appointment, created a perception, rightly or wrongly, that he would not be in a position to execute his duties in an independent manner as expected or required of an incumbent holding that position."
Advocate Heath expressed gratitude to the President and Radebe for showing confidence in him in appointing him as the head of the SIU.
Zuma has appointed Advocate Nomgcobo Jiba as the acting head of the SIU while he completes the process of filling the vacancy. Advocate Jiba is currently a Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions at the National Prosecuting Authority.
"She has served as a senior prosecutor and has extensive knowledge of criminal law and experience in prosecuting corruption cases. When investigating corruption, the SIU should be able to tap into her experience and insights in building solid cases for possible prosecution. We trust that she will discharge her duties diligently and wish her well in the task that lies ahead," said Radebe.
The minister assured South Africans that government remained committed to the fight against corruption, adding that it would do everything possible ensure that the SIU was strengthened both administratively and operationally.