Cape Town - The Department of Home Affairs has received 78 cases of staff misconduct in the first quarter of the current financial year, and of that figure, 54 have been dealt with.
This comes as the department aims to ensure ethical conduct and a "zero tolerance approach to corruption."
In its quarterly report presented to Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on Tuesday, the department said they aimed to finalise 70 percent of misconduct cases within 60 days.
In a media briefing following the tabling of the report, Department Director General Mkuseli Apleni said they needed more human resources to win against corruption.
With the mechanisms they have put in place, he said they hoped to get an unqualified financial report from the Auditor-General.
In the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government's 12 priority outcomes, the department contributed three of the outlined outcomes.
These were ensuring the safety of all in the country; a skilled and capable workforce to support the New Growth Path and providing an "efficient, effective and development oriented public and inclusive citizenship."
Apleni said they had signed a performance agreement with President Jacob Zuma. The agreement, he said, included ensuring "effective and efficient refugee management strategies," registration of "every child within 30 days of birth" and issuing IDs to "every South African aged 16 and above."
He said that in this quarter, they had received 31 795 ID applications and 10 758 IDs had since been issued to matric learners, accounting for 33.8%.
On another issue, Apleni said they wanted to integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity.
To that end, the annual target was to have 67% of Ports of Entry (POE) equipped with Enhanced Movement Control System (EMCS).
However, Apleni said this quarter they had missed their target on EMCS as it was dependent on "the rationalisation of the ports of entry as well as the further enhancement of Movement Control System."
Some of the challenges faced by his department included improving asylum-seeker and refugee management, fighting human trafficking and smuggling, and establishing and maintaining consistent standards for security and service delivery.