Pretoria - President Jacob Zuma today, Wednesday 11 November 2009, congratulated Mozambican President Armanso Guebuza following his re-election to serve a second term.
President Zuma said "I hereby wish to convey my warmest congratulations on behalf of the Government of the Republic of South Africa and its people on the occasion of your re-election as President of the Republic of Mozambique following the victory of the Frente de Liberta±ao de Mo±ambique (Frelimo) during the elections of 28 October 2009."
"I would like to reconfirm my appreciation of the excellent, historic and neighbourly relations that exist between our two countries and between its peoples".
"It is furthermore my profound wish that these warm and close ties will continue to prosper during your new term of Office", concluded President Zuma.
For more information contact the Head of Public Diplomacy, Mr. S. Molobi - 0829401647.
Issued by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Private Bag X152